Dunwoody Presbyterian Church is a church “plant.” This means that we are in a four to five-year process of creating and becoming a new church for the Dunwoody/Sandy Springs area.
DPC's vision is: "Knowing God. Loving People." As we grow in both the theological and personal knowledge of God, we will experience His love for us through Christ Jesus. We will then love each other well and serve our community boldly.
DPC’s values are: To be a Biblical, incarnational, global, and intentionally intergenerational. What do these things mean?
Biblical means that we hold the word of God in high esteem. Our Bible studies and Sunday teachings are about the Bible, not about topics like parenting, managing your money, or being a good neighbor. Of course, as the Bible is a book about God and our relationship with Him, those things come up. But we use the Bible as foundation and guide.
Incarnational means we are not program driven. We follow the pattern of Christ, who became human so he could be with humans. We are trying our best at DPC not to overload ourselves with committees and programs, instead, serving the neighborhoods in Dunwoody where we live, work, play, and go to school. Our “committees” are prayer meetings in which we discover how to better help each other. Our “tasks” are taking a neighbor a hot meal on Thursday or worshiping together on Sunday.
Global means we seek not to favor one culture over another. We want church to be a little bit like heaven, where every tongue and tribe and nation will be represented. It’s easier to grow a church by focusing on only one type of person, but it’s Biblical and a lot more fun to embrace friends and leaders from all over the world. We pray that DPC will be a multicultural congregation.
Intentionally Intergenerational means we like to mix it up. We want our young people to have conversations with our older people. We want our middle people to be in the mix as well. While we do have some events that will be age specific, we are intentional about pairing different generations together for service and community.
Local means we are living within our boundary, and we are accepting that with joy. Sure, we could recruit more people who like our way of doing things from places outside of Dunwoody. We would probably grow (numerically) faster. But we are intentionally local — you might even say we’re hyperlocal. Why? When you embrace your dot on the map, you have no choice but to love all the people who live on that same dot. At first it might seem hard, but the overlap soon becomes precious. You see people on your street and in the grocery story whom you also see on Sunday. Helping each other is a blessing, not a burden, because the people you are helping live six minutes away during Atlanta rush hour — not sixty. And you end up seeing your map dot in a new light — getting to know people you wouldn’t have known before because instead of racing all over town to find the perfect church, you embrace the church family right in front of you.