We are pleased to be back in our worship space each Sunday. We hope you will join us* or continue to connect with us through our online worship.


Time, Location and Order of Worship

Join us for weekly worship every Sunday at 11:00am at 2197 Peeler Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338.  This is our wonderful temporary home we are renting while we grow. Groups for all ages (Sunday school) at 10:00am. 


What to Expect: 

We are a church plant, started in 2017 with about a dozen adults with a vision for a flourishing church in Dunwoody. We have now grown to about 70 adults and 30 children, and we all live in the Dunwoody area.  Our local vibe helps us experience rich community. Join us as we grow. 

Worship is at 11:00am, meets upstairs, and lasts about an hour.  Coffee and light snacks are provided. You might want to come a few minutes early to grab a snack and meet some people.  Dress is generally business casual, but dress as you feel comfortable. You will see an eclectic mix of jeans, dresses, sport coats, and t-shirts. 

Nursery is provided for the entire service for children ages four months to four years.  Children's church provided after the first part of the service for ages four through fourth grade.  (Children and infants are always welcome to remain in the service.) 

Our service is a celebration that blends ancient tradition with modern elements. We usually sing both traditional hymns and meaningful praise songs during our service. Our music style leans folk/Americana, and our worship team members range from teens to older adults. 

Teaching is exegetical (our pastors preach from scripture rather from general topics), and it is both Biblically sound and specifically applicable. The aim is to be engaged in both word and worship. 

Adult Sunday School is at 10:00am, meets upstairs, and lasts 45 minutes.  Kids’ classes for infants through 7th grade meet downstairs during that same time. 


*We are following CDC guidelines for in-person meetings, requesting guests be: fever free, masked, and six feet apart. Masks and hand sanitizer are available on site. Surfaces sanitized frequently.
