Finding Grace

If there are certain places that God has promised to meet us with grace in our relationship with Him, then wouldn’t we want to know where they are? Wouldn’t we want to know how to spend time there and how to bring others with us? This series by Trent McEntyre and the teaching team of Dunwoody Pres. is a guide to finding God’s grace.


Finding Grace Part 1 - Trent McEntyre - The Table of Grace, Genesis 15.


Finding Grace Part 2 - Trent McEntyre - The Word of Grace, Finding grace in the word, especially the preached word. 1 Peter 1:24,25, Colossians 1:3-6, Galatians 3.


Finding Grace Part 3 - Hubie Mann - A sign and seal of grace. What is baptism and how do we find grace in it?


Finding Grace Part 4 - Josh Irby - The adventure of grace. How can we find grace by joining God in his mission? Isaiah 62.


Finding Grace Part 5 - Stephen Anderson - Find grace at home - Why do we need grace for our closest relationships? How can we find grace in our homes?